Tuesday, 7 August 2018

#BBNaija: “Get over this bad blood already” – Princess tells CeeC & Alex

Big Brother Naija 2018 star Princess has also reacted to the acid bath threat the first runner-up of the show CeeC received from a person claiming to be a fan of Alex and Tobi.

Princess joins IfuEnnada in calling for peace, adding that “if this is an actual threat and not a publicity stunt it should be sent to the law enforcement agencies and not social media.”

IfuEnnada had earlier said that Alex and Tobi have received threats from CeeC’s fans, adding that on one occasion, a CeeC fan verbally and physically attacked Alex. (Read about it here)

Princess, in an Instagram post, enjoined CeeC and Alex to “make peace if there’s any squabble before this gets out of control and unleashes more contempt.”

She wrote:

    Get over this bad blood already !!!! First of all if this is an actual threat and not a publicity stunt it should be sent to the law enforcement agencies and not social media.
    Because publicizing such threat in such an aloof manner would only fuel more imaginations of how best to carry out the plot

    The fans of both parties are taking this way too seriously.
    Bbn 3 is a “term”that covers 20 housemates.
    And this constant aggression only keeps us in constant negativity and defense.
    @alex_unusual @ceec_official pls advice your fans.
    Better still make peace if there is any squabble

    Before this gets out of control and unleashes more contempt

    #loveisallweneed#peace#lovehastowin#bbnaija3 #bigbrothernaija2018

Photo Credit: @iamprincess__official

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