Monday, 9 July 2018

Man who rides a Jeep seen bathing naked in broad daylight at a T-junction in Lagos

"This is not ordinary" Nigerians attack man seen bathing naked in broad daylight at a T-junction in Lagos (video)

A man was seen bathing completely naked at a T-junction in Lagos in broad daylight and he was accosted by Nigerians who believe he was carrying out the act for ritual purposes.

In the videos shared online, the naked man was seen standing beside a car as he scrubs his body with soap and sponge then bends at intervals to take water from a bucket. Kids can also be seen standing by the road, looking at him in disbelief as he baths without a care in the world.

After a while, he was interrupted by adults in the neighborhood. They seized his bucket of water and was seen begging to be left alone.

"This is not ordinary" Nigerians attack man seen bathing naked in broad daylight at a T-junction in Lagos (video)

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